
Proofreading                                      $40 per 1000 words

Formatting                                          $30 per 1000 words

Copyediting                                         $60 per 1000 words

Copyediting plus formatting           $75 per 1000 words

Structural editing                              Contact me for a quote

Create a style guide                          Contact me for a quote

Professional resume                         $150

What happens next?

Once we’ve agreed on the terms in my quote, I will begin editing your document. I will use my knowledge, skills and experience to make sure your message is clear. I will adhere to any style guide or dictionary required and use specialist editing software to pick up minor inconsistencies. I will contact you throughout the process with questions (if I have any) and updates on my progress.

Generally, my edits are provided electronically, via tracked changes in Microsoft Word. I will then email the edited document and the final invoice to you. If document size is an issue, we can use Dropbox or FTP.

From there, you can accept or reject my changes in Microsoft Word. If you haven’t used the feature before, I can talk you through it. But don’t worry, it’s as easy as clicking ‘accept’ if you like my change or ‘reject’ if you don’t.

If you are a student, I will provide my final edits via a pdf that shows the tracked changes, but you will not be able to use the accept/reject feature. This is due to my obligations under the Institute of Professional Editors’ guidelines.

I’m always available for follow-up queries or clarification. I factor in some time with my original quote to make sure I can do this. However, if you require more in-depth assistance or another round of edits, please understand this will require additional charge. I will tell you beforehand if that’s the case.


Payment via direct debit is preferred. Payment information will be included on your invoice. If I haven’t worked with you before, please understand that I may request a deposit before I start work.

The fine print

The Editor’s responsibility is to offer advice and suggestions to the Client and to the author on how to improve a publication, and to notify the Client of any legally questionable material as soon as it is discovered. While the Editor will make every effort to bring such material to the attention of the Client, the Client agrees to indemnify the Editor from any and all claims, including legal fees, arising out of any alleged defamation or copyright infringement committed by the author or the Client in creating the work. The Editor shall not be required to purchase professional indemnity insurance at his/her own cost.